…unanswered prayers……….

I was so exicted this morning I would be taking my first song writing class.

Of course at 8:30 am there was no parking to be found so I parked in a metered spot with only enough time for one hour and half of a two and half hour class.  I thought no way he was going to keep us for the whole time so I took a chance.

Well, class was not what I expected.  I thought this would be a beginner class that would go into song structure, the difference between melodies harmonies, after all I am a music newbie.  And the course description did not have any pre-requisites so I thought I could do the class.

I am not so sure I have the skill set needed for this class.  Prof tells us for the first assignment due next week–he is going to send us and mp3–we need to write and record a new melody with lyrics.  Ok , lyrics piece of cake for me–but what the heck, a melody?  I ask are you going to send us the music sheet with notes?  His answer no.  What in blazes!!!!!  And as for recording, excuse me are you assuming that everyone here has music editing software–because that was not listed as a prerequisite nor was a prior music theory class listed either.

Heck, I thought I would be learning all these things in class.  Dang, if I could write a melody and know how to record it I wouldn’t be needing the class now would I?

Needless to say I think I may have to drop the class–oh yeah–there are no books for class.  Nope, he told us to go online and google songwriting and see what websites we discover on songwriting.  Really??!!!   Well, double heck if I am going to be doing that what do I need the class for.

I of course freaked out he thought it was about performing–which really ticked me off. I responded, “No, I am an actress, performing is not my concern but we will talk after class.”  I did talk to the professor about my concerns that it seemed like this was an advanced and I was just a beginner–his response, “Well, only I could decide that.”  Really, how about a simple yes or no. Or how about telling me what I will be learning.

I talked a few of the older students, meaning my age and above who had taken the class before.  Apparently this is the first time this guy is teaching it and he is the vocal/performance teacher.  Nice, so that’s how the budget cuts work–have someone teach a class that isn’t exactly qualified.

Well, I decide I need to think about this over the weekend and as I walk to my car what do I see?  Yup, I got a ticket.  Well, if that don’t beat all.  I sure got a lot of bad karma this morning didn’t I.

I think the only reason I was meant to be in the class this morning is because he played one song, Unanswered Prayers, by Garth Brooks. I have never heard it but it was as if God was talking me.  If you have been following this blog you know that I have been writing about my last love and my first love–the man who had been in my heart for thirty years like a dark shadow.  God knows how much I wanted to be with this man all these years and I recently was given the opportunity to see what my “what if” would have been like.  Not pretty actually.

Thank you God, you did not answer that prayer to be with that man..he’s not the angel I thought he was………

So here is the link to Garth Brooks, his song says it all and I think was what I needed to hear even if I do drop the class.

Enjoy and let me know what you all think?


..I will await for you…….




This women says it all.



P4CM Official Poet Janette…ikz shares a beautiful piece during Lyricist Lounge 4 on “Waiting”.  Check out http://www.P4CM.com for more poems and the date of the next Lyricist Lounge.


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