Scandal in Malaysia……Part Nine, The Phoenix


I have nothing to hide.   I live in my truth, even if it means that I had to confess to having an affair with a married man.  The magician often referred to our relationship as a “secret garden” and that never quite sat right with me.  I am no secret.  I am not a mistress.  I will not live in the shadow of someone’s wife.

Like the Phoenix I will rise up out of the ashes of this affair with my soul cleansed and my heart renewed………

To continue reading go to, The Illusionist by Ivonne Montijo on


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25 Responses to “Scandal in Malaysia……Part Nine, The Phoenix”

  1. Benedicta Vulcan Says:

    Aside from that, Ivonne, how did you enjoy Malaysia? (Aside from that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play?)

  2. ramblingsfromamum Says:

    Well…what can I say…. in hindsight you know what sort of a man he was/is. You are right too, though you have relieved yourself by telling this story, it must be so heartbreaking for you to relieve it all. He was a creep – sex great or not, you have learned a lesson, like most of us do through life that some men are not to be trusted, that you can and will use you for whatever their gain… I am sorry you experienced this but as you said BE the Phoenix and rise above – he is not worth a seconds more thought or time of yours. xxxx

  3. Maryanne Says:

    He does not love you and he never did. He loves himself. But you knew that. Ewww … just too creepy to read. I’m glad you’re almost done with this. I can’t wait to read about your new adventures! And your career too. You never write about that, why? Sounds exciting 🙂

  4. terry1954 Says:

    personally, I would be eager to lay that chapter of my life to rest……………..glad you are home and safe, it could have been worse

  5. sakuraandme Says:

    Excellent, Ivonne!! You soon can move on! and we will miss you! Night from Oz! Super dooper hugs! …..Paula xxxxxxxxx

  6. radaronelson Says:

    Well I’m glad your done with him. He was no good.

  7. The First Wife’s Club…….Mayr’s story….. « Sex, Spirit, Soul Mates and Chocolate….Ivonne's Journey Says:

    […] Scandal in Malaysia……Part Eight, The Phoenix ( […]

  8. The First Wife’s Club…….Mayr’s story Part Two « Sex, Spirit, Soul Mates and Chocolate….Ivonne's Journey Says:

    […] Scandal in Malaysia……Part Eight, The Phoenix ( […]

  9. Gwyn Says:

    Ivonne I am so very happy you got out of Malaysia alive. You know our mutual friend Debi has a policy of never going to a 3rd world country. Ha Ha!

  10. The Merry Wives of Jay Scott Berry. | Sex, Spirit, Soul Mates and Chocolate....Ivonne's Journey Says:

    […] Scandal in Malaysia……Part Eight, The Phoenix ( […]

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