The Treasures of my Soul…….


My beloved,

the words I put to paper

flow through from my heart

to express a love

that transcends

time, space and

the poets of old…..


mere words cannot convey

the longings of my soul…..


the poets of old

cannot convey

the love, the desires, the ecstasies

that I have for you


Their words have zero worth if truth be told

For it is my words that are the gold,

the treasures of my soul.


and for you alone

do they exist….


may I be inspired

by Rumi and Neruda


but take delight in my words

for they reflect the treasures

in my soul


that  are yours

and  yours alone

as my heart

soley belongs to you….

~♥ ivonne p montijo ♥~© 2013

Where Have You Been?…..a poem


My beloved,

Where have you been?

I have searched for you in my dreams..

I have searched for you amongst the stars of the velvet, night sky

I have looked for you behind the silver beams of the midnight moon…

My beloved,

Where have you been?

I have searched…

I have looked….

I have yearned

and I have dreamed…..

and you seem

nowhere to be found…….

My beloved,

Where have you been?

I can feel you in my soul

I can feel you in heart

I can feel you in the

hot, fiery blood that rushes

throughout my body at thoughts of you.

You are in every fiber

You are in every cell

of my body

You are in every memory

before time

before eternity

and beyond infinity

My Beloved,

Where have you been?

Yours is the heart beat

that pulsates inside of me.

Yours is the soul

that is the other half of me…

My beloved,

Where have you been?

As I have need to be with my soul’s twin…


~♥ ivonne p montijo ♥~© 2013

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