Broken hearts………

No one, not one being has the capacity to break your heart.

We get ouches along the way but no one really can break your heart.

It is a choice that we make.  We can choose to believe that someone “hurt” us, that this other person  is the cause of our bad feelings.

That is a choice no doubt about it and some people might say it could even be justified.

Or you can make the choice to know that the heart can not dictate who it loves or does not love.  And if someone chose somebody else over you they were merely following the dictates of their heart in that given space-time.

The heart can only be broken if you have lost the capacity to love another being… long as you have the ability to love, as a verb, then your heart was never broken….maybe a little bruised but with time bruises do fade…..

The “Extra”

Here we are, all at work, making a living in an unstable business, dictated by the whims of the powers that be.
At one time hopeful of dreams to be fulfilled, … now weather-worn and dreams amiss we take each day  one at a time.
We make our crosses and counter crosses, indulging in a world of make-believe and pretend  bringing an aura of substance and reality into this celluloid dimension, so that the viewer can escape his everyday reality into a world of suspension of disbelief.
Who are we ?  We are the unknowns.
You will never see our names in the credits nor will you see us in fancy finery at award banquets or dinners.
 Yet… we are the silent partners of the silver screen.  We are the missing pieces that enable you to emerge yourself in the fantasy of cinema.
 “They” call us “extras”, but we are no more extra than the actors or director.
We are an essential piece of the puzzle that makes it complete.
In many ways we are quite like yourself.  A small cog in a large mechanism.
 Often we are overlooked and unrecognized, but you cannot dismiss us any more than the screw which hold the engine mounts in place.
 Why do we continue?  Because very deep in our heart and soul a small piece of the dream lives on.
The hope still exists that the transition  will be made from “background actor” to center stage.
And all the years will not have been for naught, but rather the work and toil of the talented craftsmen  dutifully paying his dues in the fulfillment of a dream.
Ivory Minnie womans' journey on the path to self-realization, self-fulfillment and true love...

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