Scandal in Malaysia……. Part Seven


View from the Double-Tree Hotel

The next day the magician found a two-room suite for the three of us, him, myself and Lisa to stay at. We did not check out officially out of the Double-Tree since that room was paid for until March 29, 2012.  Since we were vacating that room the magician left the room key for the Cuban magician and that solved his dilemma of where to put the Cuban.

There was one catch in all of this.  The magician  had no money and no money was coming from the show like he thought.  …  What were we going to do?   Who did that leave?  Yup you guessed it.  That left moi and my bank account……….

To continue reading go to, The Illusionist by Ivonne Montijo on


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11 Responses to “Scandal in Malaysia……. Part Seven”

  1. terry1954 Says:

    sad, it would have made me very insecure

  2. sakuraandme Says:

    I would have wanted to kill someone!! Lol Okay, not quite! But come on people! Get your shit together! Lol
    Your a very very brave woman! Glad you loved my babies!! hugs Paula xxxx

  3. ramblingsfromamum Says:

    The three of them are acting with no control it seems – casting blame on each other, when it sounds like it wasn’t a done deal or set up correctly in the 1st place? What a feckin mess luvey. 😦

  4. radaronelson Says:

    Yea I would have been ticked having to pay.

  5. Scandal in Malaysia……Part Eight « Sex, Spirit, Soul Mates and Chocolate….Ivonne's Journey Says:

    […] Scandal in Malaysia……. Part Seven ( […]

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