JSB Disclaimer

“You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better.” —Anne Lamott

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willy wonka meme

Jay Scott Berry Post Disclaimer

While I was in a relationship with Jay Scott Berry he had often said to me that he wanted me to be the one to write his life story.

Everything you will read in the Jay Scott Berry posts are the absolute truth.  These posts were written to share my story and relationship with JSB as they are a part of my story and of my journey.  So in that sense yes I am writing a bit of JSB’s life story, the part of his life that has coincided with mine.

And yet, it has come to my attention that there are people out in the world who think/feel that my posts regarding JSB are an attempt to “destroy” him.  Let it be known that I am not trying to destroy JSB.  I am sharing my story and my relationship with JSB. It is an ugly story but none the less it is the truth.

The uglier truth is the compilation of all the stories of the different women that JSB has lied to, cheated on and abused both emotionally and physically. In the world of NPD, we call that “soul rape.”   I did not make JSB a Narcissistic Sociopath–I merely discovered the truth behind the illusion based on my experience with him, the experience of his first wife “Marina” and the patterns he continues to have with his current wife.

The purpose of these posts were to share my story and to have the truth out there so that any other “targets” might have the opportunity to discover the truth for themselves and not merely have the propaganda that JSB puts out.  The same propaganda that led me to believe that he was successful in magic, music and that he was a highly evolved spiritual being.  He is a fraud on all levels.  But don’t just take my word for it.  No, do your own research on the man.

As it turns out in that respect my blog posts have been a success. On April 21 2013 I noticed in my blog stats that the search term “jay scott berry sociopath” brought a viewer to my pages.  How odd, I thought that someone would be searching using the terms JSB and sociopath

An individual did an extensive search on my site for my story and “Marina’s”.  Needless to say JSB had targeted another woman.  Yes, there was yet another relationship/extra-marital affair with a young woman while he was still married to Lisa Richards in 2013.

So, if you are the next target reading this–please know that everything written here is the absolute truth, regardless of what JSB may have said to you about me or “Marina”.  Yes, he told me a lot of things about Marina which I discovered to be false.  His daughter with Marina is a teenager and he has pretty much emotionally and financially abandoned her.  As of this writing he is still married to Lisa and they apparently have some kind of arrangement.  When I hear of a divorce I will certainly update this post.Update the second wife left him and 2016 was the year of the divorce.

If, you are someone planning to do business with him be aware that he runs out on his debts, unless of course he thinks it might affect his standing in the magic world.

I am still owed $3000.00 for the expenditures for the trip to Malaysia which JSB assured me I would get reimbursed.

He still owes money to the Independent Music Network.

The money used to make partial payments to the Magicians in the Malaysia scandal was the money from the airline ticket refunds which should have gone back to the producer, theoretically stolen money–but hey the magicians got paid.  I guess they don’t care if JSB stole the money or not as long as they got paid?!!!

On Sept 8 2013 he started a smear campaign against me and his ex-wife Mayr.  He claimed that we were slandering him and that he only extended out love and forgiveness towards us. Really?  Below is the e-mail he sent me on Sept 9 2013.  Does it sound like love and forgiveness? I think not but judge for yourself.


Please be advised that you are currently under investigation by the State of California for Libel, Defamation of Character, Slander and attempted Extortion.

This is all you own doing. What on earth has possessed you is beyond my understanding. It is only my patience, love and compassion that are holding back the tide.

All it will take is one word from me to my lawyer and the next knock on your door will be the police.

Your future is now hanging by a thread. Please, please come to your senses.

I haven’t done anything to you, except end a brief affair that you and I never should have started. It lasted only a few weeks and that was more than a year and a half ago!

Have you forgotten how it was YOU who came to my hotel room, offered yourself to me, and then screamed like a bitch in heat for me to run out and get condoms? Ivonne’s note–I was already in his hotel room as this was the week in Feb 2012 that he was in town for meetings regarding his music career and insisted that we go to his room in between meetings. It was also the day he gave me the wolf card.

Have you forgotten how you got so drunk on our date that I had to practically carry you back to the hotel and then you threw up on me?  A note from Mayr, she is the one that threw up on him not me. That’s right, there’s nothing quite so romantic as vomit.

Have you forgotten how you tried to sexually assault me when I came to your house to pick up my things AFTER I ended our physical relationship?  If the gender roles were reversed, you know full well that I could have had you arrested then and there.  Ivonne’s note, I did not sexaully assalt him what I said to him was, ” Would it be bad of me to say that I want to rip your clothes off and fuck your brains out?”

It’s amazing how these, and so many other FACTS, haven’t made it into your outrageous, fictional story. I guess the TRUTH was the first casualty of your one-sided war upon me.

And all the while, I haven’t responded in kind. I’ve just forgiven you. While you’ve been running a deliberate smear campaign, I’ve turned the other cheek.

And still it‘s apparent that, after a year and a half, you are unable to just take responsibility for your own choices and your own actions.

So here’s the Immediate Situation:

You will cease your unwarranted attacks on me and pull down your BS webpage, immediately. Otherwise, you better get yourself a very good lawyer.

Because my lawyer is chomping at the bit to eat you for lunch. I’m holding the leash. He didn’t even want me to warn you.

Do you really want this to escalate? Are your really ready to spend time in jail???

I offer you Peace, Love, Forgiveness and Compassion. This is my Olive Branch. I hold no grudge. I Am Love.

Please consider this carefully.



On Feb 9 2014 JSB posted to his FB Wall

“It is my experience that, whenever there’s a separation between friends or lovers, there is often one who has the
personal integrity to simply get on with their life without the need to blame or  defame the other. Then, sadly, there is often one who somehow imagines that they  can build themselves up by putting the other down. By observing how one acts after a relationship has ended, you can often surmise how they acted during the relationship. True colors always shine through.” – JSB

I do not know who he is writing about but he is already setting up the next truth teller to be shot down as a liar or bitter woman.

“Another very valuable red flag to recognize when trying to spot a sociopath is to see how they deal with attacks on their own integrity. If a sociopath is presented with a collection of facts,
documents and evidence showing that he lied or deceived, he will refuse to address the evidence and, instead, attack the messenger!

If you really try to nail a sociopath down to answering a documented allegation, they will quickly turn on you, denounce you, and declare that you too are secretly plotting against them. Anyone who does not fall for the brainwashing of the sociopath is sooner or later kicked out of the circle and then wildly disparaged by the remaining members of the cult group.”

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/036112_sociopaths_cults_influence.html#ixzz2Y41wOYca

As of Feb 2017 he is one year behind in child support to his oldest daughter from his first marriage.  But in the meantime although child support has been neglected back in Dec 2013 Jay and his wife Lisa did purchase a second horse.

I’m guessing that Lisa gets a horse every time she finds out about a new mistress………

Also to note he loves to talk about his 100 acre property–bought with the financial assistance of his second wife’s parents.

jsb prop titile

He tells people that I am a psycho–hmnn psychic maybe but psycho?  He tells people that I am mad at him because he would not marry me.  Hmnn, you can’t marry a man who is already married to somebody else.  Yes, Jay tries to discredit me as is the nature of a narcissistic sociopath.  Read not only the JSB posts but the other posts as well and decide for yourself.

Please feel free to contact me at ivonnepmontijo@aol.com  if you have any questions or doubts.



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