My #walkawaycampaign story.

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My story starts in the 2016 primaries. I was a Berner—Bernie was the person who reflected my ideals and whose direction I thought would be best for the country. We knew if he was the nominee he would beat Donald Trump. My vote for Bernie was not an against Trump vote no it was a for Bernie vote and against Hillary Clinton. At this point let’s back track even further to the 2008 Election year. Obama vs Hillary Clinton. Well I learned a lot during that campaign year—mostly how Clintons have been engaged in criminal activities over the years—and just because they have not been indicated yet or put in jail yet does not mean the evidence is not there or that they are not guilty. So the primary between Obama and Hilary for me exposed a lot of the Clinton Gang corruption. At the moment there are about 170,000 sealed indictments getting ready to be opened for crimes against the state (treason) and humanity (child and human sex trafficking).

I voted for Obama two times thinking he was a good guy. I didn’t start to learn how bad Obama was until the 2016 primaries when more stuff came to light. Talk about being disappointed. If you still live the bubble that Obama was a great president that is your prerogative—remember we live in America and thus far have freedom of choice and thought. The thing about Obama being bi-racial is that if you say anything that is negative against him you are immediately called a racist. And sometimes because of your work situation you just keep your mouth shut in order to pay the rent and bills because again –America—you supposedly get to think what you want without being put in jail—this of course is being tested in present day. Again all I am going to say is if your opinion is different than mine please feel free to research the subject—calling me names because you have a different point of view is just infantile behavior.

Let’s go back to those 2016 primaries now. Bernie got cheated out his nomination. The Berners know this, heck even the green party knows this. Bernie was supposed to fight for us—contest the super delegates but something happened the night before. What happened we don’t really know-what is evident is that the day of the Democratic National Convention (dnc) Bernie had a bruise on his face. What happened? Did someone on Hillary’s side beat him up, threaten him? We will never know—well maybe in the future we might know the truth but for all we have is that he gave up like a dog with his tail between his legs and told us to support Hillary. Some Bernies did—“vote blue no matter who”—really? Because there is a lot wrong with that statement right there. Vote blue no matter how unqualified the person is? No, I don’t think so. Some Berners voted Libertarian as they wouldn’t vote for either Trump or Hillary. Some Berners vote Green for Jill Stein. I voted for Jill Stein because she aligned with my beliefs and no way in Hell I was going to vote for Hillary Clinton which based on what I had read and seen was a very corrupt person. The corruption of HRC & the DNC is what cost them the 2016 election. What amazes me even more than this are the people who are democrats that didn’t care about the corruption of the democratic party as long as their candidate got elected—just wow, wow, wow. You see I was raised not to lie. That was the one thing that was unforgivable to my mother. It was so ingrained in me that lies are just so wrong that that is the deal breaker for me. You lie to me and your are out. Hillary Clinton and the DNC lied to me in 2016. I demexited like so many people who just got fed up with the corruption of the democratic party.

Jill Stein had raised money to do a recount in 3 states. That recount was stopped when the results coming in were that both Trump and Jill had indeed gotten more votes each in those 3 states. Imagine if we had done a recount in all of the states. Many claim Hillary won the popular vote but what the recount showed was that she didn’t have as many votes as was thought.

Now if you are of the belief that HRC should be president because she won the popular vote (like I mentioned above—recounts and illegal votes change those numbers) may I remind you of the electoral college. The electoral college and delegate votes have always bothered me. Maybe back in the day when the USA was a new country maybe it was needed but in this day and age I really feel it should be one vote per person and the popular voted person is the duly elected president. Now might be a good time to get rid of the electoral college it is a system that is antiquated and no longer serves a viable purpose.

From what I surmised back in 2016 was that Donald Trump got the republican nomination fair and square. He did not have to cheat anyone or threaten any of the other republican nominees.

Here is a funny thing about Donald Trump he had been in the media for years—for as long as I could remember and no one ever said he was racist or accused him of sexual misconduct prior to the election. Interesting how all these stories came out in 2016. But every slanderous story that came out there was one stated that it wasn’t true. To my knowledge and please correct me if I am wrong I recall that the sexual misconduct claims were proven to be false and fake.

So Donald Trump won and became POTUS and the world ended for my democratic friends who seemed to have lost their minds over this election. For many like myself our thoughts were you all need to address the corruption of HRC & DNC before we can even talk about Donald Trump as president. And did they? N,o they did not. All they could see was RED and become deaf and blind to the concerns of a significant number of their party. They just did not understand why Trump won. Did not or would not? I think more like would not. Female friends were posting how they were triggered over Trump who was a narcissist. My response to any one that is being triggered by someone who is not even in their life has a lot more healing work to do. If it was about Trump triggering you it’s then you have more work to do on your healing process. Trust me that did not make me a popular person and I lost a few “friends” over that. Why? Because I did not immediately get into the Trump bashing. Remember I was still pissed off at what happened to Bernie and you couldn’t even have a conversation about that which continues to this day.

Fast forward to 2020 and the same cycle has happened again with Bernie. Biden? Really, that is the best you got? Again I am hearing vote blue no matter who. Does anyone honestly think Biden has a chance to win again President Trump? But I and others think that the DNC is going to pull a switch at the last minute and take Biden out and replace him with someone else. I have my ideas as to whom but for the moment I will just keep that to myself. Come on Bernie if you really wanted to be POTUS you would stop pandering to the dem party and run as an independent or join with the Green Party whose values align with him a lot better than the current democratic party.

So while my friends joined Hillary Clinton in calling Trump supporters deplorable, stupid and racist I started doing research. You see I had many friends that I knew and worked with for many years that were neither racist, ignorant or deplorable. Some of them were Republican and some were Democrats. So why would I start insulting my friends just because they had a different political opinion than me? Again-America where we have freedom of choice and belief. That did not make sense to me. But I started seeing articles on who is the person that votes for Trump. I was raised in a family of Republicans—my father, uncles, sister I was the only democrat. My family is not deplorable. My friends are not deplorable.

So I started to read article on who are Trump supporters—who are these deplorable I keep hearing about from my blue friends. Well they are not deplorable, they are not uneducated, and they are not all white. It seems to me you want to understand the opposition in order to possibly win them over to your side but the opposite is still happening to this day.

Here is the irony of it all. My red friends are not insulting people over their views on face book. No, it is my blue friends who are insulting anyone who shares a different point of view—and pretty much if you aren’t bashing Trump on social media you are called a Trumper-ignorant-stupid-moron-vile-toxic. These were all in the last two days because I posted that no Trump did not say to inject Lysol into the lungs.

But lets go back to 2016 for a moment. When Trump got elected while all my friends started on the Trump bashing and literally losing their minds I just sat back and thought wow this is going to be interesting.

Remember we had wiki-leaks and pizza gate (child sex trafficking) come into the public view. Yes I read the wiki-leaks emails regarding HRC—hence partially why I feel the way I do about her. The corruption is there for all to read if you take the time. Many people claimed pizza gate was not true. Yet we have so much evidence of child sex trafficking and children that are missing. Two big rabbit holes to go down into in 2016. Yes, child sex trafficking is real and it is ugly to deny this. Well I don’t know what to say—your eyes will be opened up soon and it won’t be pretty.

So when Trump won I thought this is going to be an interesting Presidency. I mean come on I live through 2 terms of Bush and all the shit he did. I only had two other thoughts at the time. 1- If anyone can go after the deep state it would be Trump because he is a billionaire they can’t really buy him off and 2- if all he does is break up the global pedophiles rings while he is in office it will be a good thing.

You see one of the first executive orders he signed was to go after the global pedophile rings but this didn’t make it into the mainstream news. Nope nobody talked about it—“they” kept it under the radar.

So for the last four years I have sat back and just watched all the crazy—mostly from my blue friends who apparently don’t give a shit about facts and truth and just buy into the mainstream news. My spiritual friends are all love, Namaste, kindness be gentle etc….. Yeah that goes out the window when strangers start calling me names and try to take me down. People who don’t think for themselves, do no research have limited brain matter have the audacity to call me stupid-vile and toxic? Seriously, I am a vegan I have a moral standard—higher than most because I don’t participate in the daily murder of innocent sentient beings—and you call me toxic. Toxic came from another vegan because I will not perpetrate a lie—because I am telling the Truth unfortunately the truth was about Trump so that makes me persona non grata. Never mind the fact that I have been vegan and an animal advocate for the past 28 years (8 vegan-20 vegetarian). I always just assumed vegans did their research and stood behind the truth. Well I have been proven wrong about that on a few occasions since this whole virus show (more on that in a bit).

There are people I have worked with for years in the entertainment industry calling me stupid—really? I have worked with these people for years—they know me and again because I won’t participate in mindless Trump bashing when the evidence is different than what they claim is just astounds me and not in a good way. I am so stupid that I wrote and produced a play to great reviews. I am so stupid that I have co-produced two short films. I am so stupid that I have written and published two books. Okay sure, whatever.

Yes I know all about narcissists—one of the books I wrote is about my relationship with a narcissistic sociopath and what I learned about the pathology. Oh my God Trump is a narcissists—how could you. Well, I don’t know enough about him to ascertain where he sits on the narc spectrum but what I can tell you is that we all sit on the narc spectrum which goes from healthy narcissism to the pathological-(serial rapists and serial killers). If you want to know more buy my book on amazon and read it for yourself.

As a vegan do you think I am happy with Trump’s policy regarding wildlife and animals? Absolutely not but yet again I can’t recall any president who had an animal policy that as a vegan I could say was a good thing. So in this respect Trump is no different than any other president we have had. Am I happy with his environmental policies? Again, vegan here the answer is no. Am I happy with the way Hurricane Maria was handled? Puerto Rican here no I was not. Was his response any better or worse than any other president—no not really as Bush did not handle Katrina well either. What we can surmise is that the millionaires who sit in congress are not as affected by the disasters as the average person. Think Nancy Pelosi in her mansion in San Francisco holding up money that should be going to US citizens now—not that $1200 or $2000 in the long run does much when you have been out work since March 15—and not everyone has savings in the bank some people live week to week. Yet with this virus the ugly side of humans is really being exposed both on social media and out in the world. Without humans pollution has gone down, animals are coming out in the open and for this I say hallelujah sadly I know once the lockdowns are over humans return to the same old shit world that I don’t know if I can continue to be a participant in.

Back to present day 2020. What many people don’t know is that I have been technically homeless from July 2019 through March 7, 2019. I was staying with a family member whose husband was emotionally abusive to me and my two dogs, For example I was constantly being told in a fit of rage if you don’t get rid of your dogs I am going to shot them-this constantly over 8 months. Twice I grabbed my dogs and slept in the cars and quite a few times I would grab the one dog they hated and we would stay at a motel 6. I finally got a place and moved in on March 8, 2020 and by March 15 I had cancelled jobs. Great I got my own place and now I don’t have a way to pay my rent or buy groceries. Isn’t that lovely. Still waiting on stimulus check, unemployment in limbo. But I was in my own place and had peace or so I thought—someone complained about the dogs barking and now every time they bark I get ptsd and I panic thinking we are on the way to being homeless again. So here I am like so many others in the USA no work no money and lots of idle time on my hands.

This virus just did not seem right to me and I started doing research and going down lots of rabbit holes. But what I found gave me hope. If what I was reading is true then yes this planned-demic that was meant for global damage is being used by the good guys to get a few things accomplished. Ok yes the virus is real—I even have a real life friend who got it. Where did it come from I have my ideas feel free to scroll through my page or just start fresh on google if you want to know more.

So if the good guys have it handled

1- there will be a cure and who knows many more cures to come.

2- 170,000 sealed indictments of criminals who have engaged in treason, crimes against the state and humanity (sex trafficking) will be arrested.

3- We will have a financial reset to the gold standard—look up Nesara/Gesara and what that entails.

4- It would seem that we are getting a better earth.

My spiritual friends are talking about an elevation of consciousness, a shift from 3d earth to a 5d earth. So I am looking at these events from these two lenses, the mundane/political and the spiritual.

I have posted enough links to videos and articles at this point that anyone truly seeking the truth has a platform from which to springboard. Its your choice-it always has been red pill or blue. I took the red pill a long time ago and I can not turn back but its time for me to move forward into the realm of spiritual ascension and to connect with my source. In terms of the mundane/political those players have already been put in place all we can do now is sit back and watch. You have a great opportunity to be on a great side of history. Which side do you chose?I am lucky to have teachers that are great with each lens.For the record I consider myself to be an independent and until JFK Jr raises from the dead and starts a new political party I will continue to be an independent. I cannot align myself with any one group no matter what- that has never worked out well for me as I am too much an independent and critical thinker. I have never been one to follow the masses I follow my own path even if I am the only one on it. I am definitely voting for Pres. Trump in Nov 2020. I see him as the only person that can save the globe. #WalkAway


El Grito de Boriquas USA an open letter to President Trump.



Dear President Trump,

I have to say that since your election I have been Neutral Trump. The primaries were a nightmare. I demexited after Hillary Clinton and the DNC rigged the primaries against Bernie Sanders. I voted for Jill Stein because I wanted to vote for a candidate that was in alignment with my moral compass and ideals. When you won I was relieved that Hillary didn’t win as I saw how eminent World War 3 was if she had been elected. Thus far you have not gotten the USA into World War 3 and for that I am grateful.

The racist narrative that came out as well during the election was interesting given that until the presidential campaign it seems that there wasn’t a history or claim of you being a racist. When women were hysterical because their privileged bubble burst and took to the streets wearing pink pussy eared hats as a form of protesting you I found them laughable and embarrassing. They didn’t even know that George Soros was funding the protests and neither where they aware of his agenda regarding America. Where have these women been in terms of the feminist movement? They were an embarrassment to women like myself that have been a feminist and fighting for rights of the disenfranchised since the day I could talk. And then there were the women who had a history of sociopathic narcissists in their lives that you apparently triggered their ptsd. To these women I said, “If Trump or anyone triggers you then it is not Trumps fault or that person’s fault. What it means is that you have more healing work to do.”   I didn’t gain any friends with that one and I am pretty sure I did lose a few. There was controversy in the transgender world and the laws you would be passing. But again I thought back to my studies in Liberation Theology when I was getting my masters degree in Religious Studies. One of the tenants of Liberation Theology is that the one being oppressed must also stand against his oppressor. The work of liberation and rights cannot be left for others to do. Time for the transgender community to come together.

I read more than one article in which a psychiatrist has come out and labeled you a narcissistic sociopath. Are you? My assessment would be more of someone with narcissistic personality disorder–highly functioning. I save the word sociopath for the pathological’s like Hillary Clinton who seem to have a body count surrounding them. To date I have not heard of you killing or abusing someone to get your way. So I found your election to the office of POTUS highly interesting. A study in how a narcissist handles the office. You are not alone in congress–it seems there are many pathologicals in our congress. I thought if anyone could fight the deep state and the New World Order that it would be you. So I was hopeful that in spite of what everyone was commenting that the one thing you might be able to do would be to “clean the swamp.” I was happy when you started going after the pedophiles–yes Pizza Gate is real and I thought you could be the one to expose the dirty secrets of our government. I thought Trump is already a billionaire so he can’t be bought off. How much money does anyone person need?

So I have been Trump neutral…up until now. Now I cannot ignore what you have done and what you haven’t done because now it is my family and my people who are suffering. You have stirred up the hornet’s nest. It took you six days to respond to the devastation that occurred in Puerto Rico after hurricane Maria. Unlike earth quakes which can not be predicted the whole world saw Maria and the path she was taking days before she hit. But did this administration even begin to prepare for the devastation that was sure to come? NO, it did not. Not only did it not prepare in advance as was done with Fema in Florida but it took six days. In Florida, “Gov. Rick Scott, who called the storm a “life-threatening situation,” says the state is ready. “Florida is prepared,” he said. “Every single Florida guardsman that can be activated has already been deployed to prepare and respond to this storm.” Yet, there was no such preparation for Puerto Rico and her 3.5 million American citizens.

Puerto Rico has been the property of the USA since the Spanish-American war of 1898. The government of the United States has an obligation to take care of its territories and of the citizens in those territories but Puerto Rico is like the red-headed step-child that no one pays attention to. I am always amazed when Americans are not even aware that Puerto Rico is a territory of the USA or that the citizens of the island are American Citizens by birth. Our land has been raped and plundered for the benefit of others since the golden era of the pirates, through Spanish colonialism and now American colonialism. A modern-day slave state (although we are not a state but merely a territory).

A territory that housed the pharmaceutical industry for decades. Pharmaceutical companies originally came to Puerto Rico in the late 1960s and 1970s to take advantage of the now-expired federal tax incentive known as Section 936. This incentive allowed U.S.-based manufacturers to send all profits from local plants to stateside parent plants without having to pay any federal taxes. “More than half a century ago, U.S. lawmakers sought to help Puerto Rico emerge from a colonial past, transforming its largely agrarian economy into a manufacturing powerhouse. The effort, known as Operation Bootstrap, began with a series of tax breaks designed to attract manufacturers who would provide steady factory jobs.

For a time the plan seemed to work, as standards of living in Puerto Rico rose. Between 1950 and 1980, per capita gross national product grew nearly tenfold in Puerto Rico, and disposable income and educational attainment rose sharply, according to the Center for a New Economy, a think tank based in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

One of those tax breaks, enacted in 1976, allowed U.S. manufacturing companies to avoid corporate income taxes on profits made in U.S. territories, including Puerto Rico. Manufacturers, led by the pharmaceutical industry, flocked to the island.

But by the early 1990s, the provision faced growing opposition from critics who attacked the tax break as a form of corporate welfare. Much like the current debate over corporations parking profits offshore to avoid taxes, tax reformers saw the provision, known as Section 936, as too costly for the Treasury. The tax break also had some unintended consequences, notably the unfair tax burden that fell to domestic Puerto Rican companies. In 1996, President Bill Clinton signed the law that would phase out Section 936 over 10 years. Plant closures and job losses followed. Ten years later, on the eve of the Great Recession, employment in Puerto Rico peaked. Left with a dwindling tax base, the Puerto Rican government borrowed heavily to replace the lost revenue.” [1]

Another reason for the economic issues on the island has to do with the Jones Act, The Merchant Marine Act of 1920, also known as the Jones Act, is a United States federal statute that provides for the promotion and maintenance of the American merchant marine.[1] Among other purposes, the law regulates maritime commerce in U.S. waters and between U.S. ports. Section 27 of the Jones Act deals with cabotage and requires that all goods transported by water between U.S. ports be carried on U.S.-flag ships, constructed in the United States, owned by U.S. citizens, and crewed by U.S. citizens and U.S. permanent residents.[2]

Sen. John McCain called it “an antiquated law that has for too long hindered free trade, made US industry less competitive and raised prices for American consumers.” [3]

President Trump you have stated that Puerto Rico has debt to deal with but what you neglected to say is that the debt that Puerto Rico faces is at the hands of the laws passed by the American congress which benefits the owners of corporations and the shipping industry to the detriment of citizens. The Jones act is obsolete and it impedes the progress and restoration of the island and it must be repealed indefinitely. What also exists on the island is taxation without representation. We get to vote in the primaries but yet we do not vote in the general election. We have a silent representative in Congress that has no voting power nor any say on any policies that will affect the island. Taxation without representation.

The Jones-Shafroth Act of 1917 gave citizenship to the people of Puerto Rico along with the call to serve in the US armed forces. 20,000 men were drafted into military service as a result of this law passing. Our men have served in many wars for the USA. In July 1917, about 236,000 Puerto Ricans registered for the draft for World War I, and close to 20,000 served. 60,000 Puerto Ricans were providing security among the Caribbean Islands or serving in Europe during World War II. About 61,000 Puerto Ricans served in the Korean War. During Vietnam, an estimated 48,000 Puerto Ricans served in the four service branches of the armed forces. In 1990, about 1,700 Puerto Rican National Guardsmen were among the 20,000 Hispanics deployed to the Persian Gulf in Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm as part of the Gulf War. As of 2010, the Veterans Affairs Department listed Puerto Rico’s veterans at 116,029. More than 1,225 Puerto Ricans have died while serving for the United States. The names of those who perished in combat are inscribed in “El Monumento de la Recordacion” — the Monument of Remembrance — which was unveiled May 19, 1996, and is in front of the capital Building in San Juan, Puerto Rico. [4]

Puerto Ricans have served the USA with it’s blood, sweat and tears and how do we get repaid? 3.5 million Americans citizens have been without electricity, phone service, running water and are running out of food for eleven days now. And you say we are doing great? No, that is not doing great. It should not have taken 10 days for a waiver on the Jones Act. OUR, again I say OUR military forces should have been on the ground the very next day bringing aid and helping to start the clean up and the rebuilding of Puerto Rico, which by the way is not in the middle of a very big ocean. Puerto Rico sits in the Caribbean sea (not an ocean) and is only 980 miles from Miami Florida to the city of Aguadilla which does have an airport. At most it is a two hour direct flight. That is how close Puerto Rico is the USA–not an island just floating somewhere in the middle of a big ocean. You say Puerto Ricans have to help themselves? Well, who do you think has been helping Puerto Rico? Watch any of the news videos from David Begnaud of CBS news to inform yourself of how Puerto Ricans are cleaning up the streets and helping neighbors out. Our community has come together. Our Puerto Rican Artists and celebreties have come out to donate and to help their fellow boriqua’s . Puerto Rican communities in Florida, New York, Los Angeles and other cities have taken up donations to bring to the island. Yes, we have come together as a community but that is not enough.

Yes, we are thankful for the military that is finally on the island but as retired Lt. Gen. Russel Honore has stated, ” The Louisiana native said if given the command, he’d move 50,000 troops to Puerto Rico, where he said the devastation was worse than what New Orleans dealt with after Katrina. “They need to scale up,” Honore said. “(In) Katrina, I had 20,000 federal troops. Not federal workers, federal troops.” “I had 20 ships and over 240 helicopters,” he continued about Katrina. “And Puerto Rico is bigger than Katrina.” He also recommended moving in a military transportation division to Puerto Rico and having the U.S. Air Force set up a temporary air strip on the island.” [5]

So while the world is watching the devastation that is happening on my homeland, mi querido Borinquen, you decide to go on a golfing vacation because in your assessment everything is going “great.” An estimated 5.1 million Hispanics of Puerto Rican origin resided in the 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia in 2013, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey. [6] 5.1 million Puerto Ricans living in the US mainland–that’s a lot of votes and voices. You have woken up the sleeping dragon–5.1 million voices. You have not heard the last of us. This is only the beginning. You can be with us or against us–chose your side and chose it wisely. El Grito de Boriquas USA has only just begun.


Ivonne Perez Montijo



[3] “Senator John McCain Files Amendment to Repeal the Jones Act”. U.S. Senate. 13 January 2015. Retrieved 9 August 2017.




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